20th December 2023

Launch of the Lincolnshire Volunteers Programme!

LVET, alongside Voluntary Centre Services (VCS) and Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service (LCVS) and our digital partner Team Kinetic, is launching the Lincolnshire Volunteers Programme (LVP); a new digital platform supporting volunteering across the county.   

As well as helping Lincolnshire to be a county where community matters, with volunteering at its heart and where everybody’s contribution is valuable the Lincolnshire Volunteers Programme will help:

1.       People to contribute to society, gain a sense of purpose or lead to employment through providing access to a wide range of volunteering opportunities

2.       Organisations provide a positive and supportive volunteer experience that is flexible to new initiatives and challenges

3.       increase access to a range of volunteering opportunities and attract new volunteers

4.       create supportive relationships, reconnecting people into their local communities and overcoming loneliness and social isolation

Organisations across Lincolnshire will be able to use the Lincolnshire Volunteers Programme to advertise their volunteering opportunities for free across the county, along with several other benefits:

·       their own public profile page within the platform, linking to their opportunities

·       the ability to self-manage opportunities and their content

·       the ability to self-manage their profile information

·       a volunteer management space

·       reporting and analysis of any volunteering activity linked to that organisation

Active and prospective volunteers will be able to browse volunteering opportunities as well as registering and creating an online profile where they can manage and record their volunteering activities with future scope to build a ‘Social CV’. 

The platform will go live for volunteers January 2024!  We’re encouraging as many organisations as possible to self-register and add their opportunities to the system, whilst being supported by Lincolnshire Volunteer Centres.

For more information on the programme, visit www.lvet.co.uk/Lincolnshire-Volunteers!

If you currently list your volunteering opportunities with either VCS, LCVS or both, and will require support with the registration process, please contact Abbi Taylor (abbi@voluntarycentreservices.org.uk).   


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