25th October 2023

Meet our new Personalisation Workforce Development Lead

Alison Smith, Workforce Development Lead

I would like to introduce myself as the new Workforce Development Lead for the Personalisation team. My name is Alison Smith and I have worked for Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) for 20 years, both at the Customer Service Centre with Adults and Childrens social care teams, as well as the Emergency Duty Team.  More recently, I have been supporting apprentices whilst creating and delivering training across LCC as a trainer/assessor.  I have been tasked with building networks across the wider Integrated Care System in order to develop a curriculum which ensures that personalisation is at the heart of everything we do throughout the different roles within health and social care in Lincolnshire.  One of my first tasks will be working alongside colleagues at both LCC and the Hospital Discharge Hubs to develop the important Strength Based Approach work that has been embedded across social care, this approach ensures conversations are taking place with individuals to ensure their needs are being met.  I have also met with and will be supporting colleagues across the system who have completed ‘train the trainer’ courses and will start delivering training to peers on ‘Shared Decision Making’ and ‘Personalised Care and Support Planning’ within the next week.  If anyone is interested in attending these training sessions and supporting their colleagues then please book via the website here. Also, if there is anyone who works within workforce, training or in any other role across the system who wants to have a conversation with me about creating and arranging training regarding all things ‘personalisation’ then please do not hesitate to make contact.  I look forward to working with you all.

You can contact Alison via AlisonX.Smith@lincolnshire.gov.uk

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