IAAP Conference 2023 Resources

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PDF file icon Workshop- Dr Ollie Hart.pdf 717.83 KB What’s love got to do with it? This workshop will introduce the concepts and skills of tailored health coaching. It will create a fun metaphor for health coaching through our ‘Love Island’ game, and then consider how the concept of activation can be applied to help make the most of limited time in applying coaching skills. The aim is to inspire, educate and entertain.
PDF file icon Why you not me slides 10-05-23 V1 final 05052023.pdf 1,060.07 KB Why you and not me? This workshop will explore the impact personalisation can have on reducing health inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health. With a focus on economic wellbeing, it will discuss real life examples on how the cost of living has impacted on Lincolnshire households.
PDF file icon Whose Decision is it Anyway.pdf 2,437.61 KB Whose decision is it anyway? “We are all here to solve people’s problems, keep them safe and make them better…..or are we?” This workshop will explore how to have great conversations and achieve positive outcomes. It will consider what the role is in ‘keeping people safe’ and how through respecting people’s rights and wishes it can support people to make their own choices and have control on how they live, achieving ‘what is important to them’.
PDF file icon Lovely but what about me.pdf 2,432.44 KB Lovely, but what about me? “What can I do, where can I find new things and how do I know what to tell others?” Join to explore ways of being the best version of the person as a whole. Let’s try a couple of ideas and feel it for the individual. We can explore how to look after the individual, where to start and most importantly why. Let’s Move!
PDF file icon IAAP Conference Slides Hi workshop CC.pdf 639.92 KB Hi……… and who are you? Let’s explore how Care Co-ordinators, Social Prescribing Link Workers and Health & Wellbeing Coaches can enable people to have more control over their own health and wellbeing. How do these roles complement each other, and work alongside other community-based roles? What benefits could they bring for people, for primary care and for the health and care system as a whole?
PDF file icon IAAP Conference Slides 2023.pdf 4,544.89 KB Our Keynote Speaker - Dr Ollie Hart is a GP from Sheffield. He is the clinical director for the local Primary Care Network, Heeley Plus, covering 42000 patients. He has a core professional interest in person centered care and over the past 10 years he has held a range of national roles in this area. He Co-chairs NHS England’s strategy board for supported selfmanagement and is a national champion for the Royal College of GPs in their Collaborative Care and Support Planning program. Ollie is a Director for Peak Health Coaching a company that specialises in health coaching training and organisational development for person centered care
PDF file icon Effecting-Change-Carer-Voices-Publication-November-2022.pdf 7,524.88 KB Our Keynote Speaker - Tommy Whitelaw was a full-time carer for his late mother Joan, who had Vascular Dementia. He has engaged with thousands of carers through his ‘Tommy on Tour’ blog and as National Lead for Caring and Outreach with Alliance Scotland’s Carer Voices Project. He delivers frequent talks to health and social care professionals, raising awareness of the impact of dementia on families and the importance of empowering carers in carrying out their difficult but vital role.
PDF file icon Are We All In This Together - Workshop slides - Vicky & Jenny 10.5.23.pdf 1,540.18 KB Are we all in this together? How do individuals feel about working with those with first-hand experience? No…. how do individuals really feel about it? In this workshop it will explore what goes on in the heads and hearts when looking to work with people who have experience of the services provided.
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