Achievements to date

We have:

  • Strengthened Partnerships across the Primary, Secondary and Voluntary Sectors
  • Embedded a large cultural change package of support across the workforce
  • Begun to work with the Recovery College to develop training for the community and the VCSE sector for MH and Wellbeing
  • Developed an overarching clinical model of practice that promotes self- efficacy and is a BioPsychoSocial Model that puts the person at the centre
  • Started a large scale recruitment plan
  • Developed a strong Digital First Offer
  • Begun to test new ways of working within our Integrated Place Based Teams
  • Embedded new and innovative roles such as Social Prescribing Link Workers, Peer Support Workers and Community Connectors
  • Co-located some of our teams to improve conversation and minimise risk and further develop Community Hubs to support accessibility and a strength based approach
  • Recognised and invested into the need for localised investment into our VCSE
  • Developed a 24/7 MH Matters Helpline that runs 365 days per year
  • Established Night light Cafes in some parts of the county

How you can support us?

"Be involved, Be open-minded, Be an active listener."

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